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Hours and Admission
HSP is scheduling limited research appointments. Click here for more information.
HSP's library is open Tuesdays through Fridays with advance registration!
HSP is open to researchers by appointment Tuesdays through Fridays. Appointments are considered "all-day," but you may arrive at your convenience during open hours. We do restrict entry 1 hr. prior to closing.
Admission is free for HSP Members, students, or members of the military with ID. The fee is $10 per day for visitors. To learn about membership visit:
Library Hours:
Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday: 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Wednesday: 1 p.m. – 7 p.m.
Having trouble finding available appointments? Planning a multi-day visit? Contact library staff at to discuss what options may be available for you. We do hold additional appointments aside for flexibility.
Booking and cancellation policies: When making reservations, keep in mind that research space is limited. Please only schedule appointments you intend to keep. If you no longer need or cannot make your appointment, please cancel each slot as soon as possible to leave room for other researchers.
Please note that appointments are for one person. If you're planning to bring another researcher, please schedule an additional appointment for each time slot under that person's name.
Administrative Hours: Our administrative offices hold regular business hours 9 a.m.–5:00 p.m. from Monday to Friday. Although the library is not open for public use outside of the days and hours listed above, staff do schedule business appointments and meetings during morning hours and Mondays. It is always best to pre-arrange to meet with staff, rather than stop-in and ask for them during non-public hours.
Policies on Children:
Children are assumed to be students and have free admission to the library.
Children under kindergarten age are not permitted in the library (except to accompany their parents/guardians when viewing exhibits).
Children under 6th grade must be with a supervising adult in the library and in the front lobby. An adult accompanying a child researcher will be charged admission.
Holidays and Closings: HSP is regularly closed Monday, Saturday, and Sunday as well as on the following holidays:
New Year's Day (Observed) - Wed., Jan. 1
Martin Luther King Jr. Day - Mon., Jan. 20
Eagles Parade - Fri., Feb. 14
Presidents’ Day - Mon., Feb. 17
HSP Building Dedication Day - Mon., March 31
Memorial Day - Mon., May 26
Juneteenth - Thurs., Jun. 19
Independence Day - Fri., July 4
Labor Day - Mon., Sept. 1
Thanksgiving Day - Thurs., Nov. 27
Thanksgiving Friday - Fri., Nov. 28
Christmas Day - Wed., Dec. 25
Adjusted Hours (10 a.m. to 4 p.m.):
Wednesday before Thanksgiving - Weds., Nov. 26
Christmas Eve - Weds., Dec. 24
HSP will be closed from 12/25/2024 through 1/2/2025, returning on 1/5/2025.
In the case of inclement weather, HSP follows the schedule of the School District of Philadelphia. Notice of all weather and emergency closings will be posted on our website and on our weather phone line at 215-732-6200 ext. 505.