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Public Speakers' Bureau
The Historical Society of Pennsylvania offers a variety of talks that highlight its collections.
The talks are offered to all organizations, including schools, and can be presented virtually, at HSP, or off-site. Speaking fees are $250 for a virtual presentation (up to two hours including Q&A). Onsite presentations may include additional mileage costs.
If you are interested in a speaker below, click on their highlighted name for a direct link to their e-mail address.
Research and Resources at the HSP: Library Director Lee Arnold, using case studies, will speak on the various ways researchers use the collections of HSP for historical and genealogical research.
Getting Started Doing Your Genealogy: Lee Arnold, HSP’s library director and a family historian, outlines the various approaches to getting started doing your genealogical research.
Political Controversies during the Administration of Governor Sir William Keith, 1717-1726: Director of Research Services David Haugaard tells the story of the rise and fall of the flamboyant Pennsylvania governor, Sir William Keith. His strong support for the rights of Quakers, his advocacy of paper money, and his apparent sympathy for ordinary Pennsylvanians, made him a truly popular governor during most of his administration.
How to Add some Biography to your Genealogy: Haugaard uses examples from 18th century Pennsylvania sources to describe how genealogists can learn about the life, not just the vital statistics, of their ancestors.
Dr. Christina Larocco, Editor of PMHB and Scholarly Programs Manager, is a historian of women and social movements. She gives talks on HSP collections related to women’s participation in abolitionism, the nineteenth-century women’s rights movement, suffrage, Progressivism, the civil rights movement, second-wave feminism, and more.