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Young Friends of HSP
Sign up for a Young Friend Membership and receive 50% off your first year as a member! Contact to take advantage of this offer.
The Young Friends of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania (HSP) is a group of young adults between the ages of 21 and 45 who share a common appreciation for history. Through a variety of social and educational events, the Young Friends make history relevant and engaging in today’s world.
Interested in learning more? Sign up for the Young Friends mailing list!
Why join the Young Friends?
Enjoy access to historic documents and records
Attend fun, exclusive events
Meet new friends who share your interests
Support HSP through fund raising for the Adopt-a-Collection program (more information below)
Young Friends Membership Level | $100​
Friends of HSP is a group of dedicated supporters who value HSP’s collections and programs, and support the institution with an annual donation. Friends of HSP receive many benefits, including access to HSP’s significant collection of more than 21 million records spanning over 350 years of history. The benefits of the Young Friend membership include: ​
Unlimited visits to the library for one person
Access to exclusive members only databases (e.g., HSP Encounters)
Complimentary admission to the National Constitution Center
Print subscription to the Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography, HSP's scholarly journal
Discount on Research By Mail
Discount on workshops, lectures, and programs
Half off JPASS (Access to JSTOR)
Time Travelers reciprocal membership
Invitations to exclusive Young Friends events
Making a Difference: The Adopt-a-Collection Program
The Young Friends of HSP know how to have a good time, but they are also dedicated to making a difference at HSP and the larger history community. The Young Friends have raised over $10,260 to-date, fully adopted five important collections, and supported additional small projects. Through the Young Friends' efforts, these collections will become more accessible to researchers and the public. If you are interested in contributing to this important cause, you can learn more by clicking here.
A Sampling of Young Friends' Adopted Collections
Pennsylvania Abolition Society Papers
ADOPTED ON 4/10/15: The papers of the Pennsylvania Abolition Society (PAS) cover the period 1775 to 1975 and represent an extremely rich documentation of the workings of the abolition and anti-slavery movements, as well as the Underground Railroad. A large part of the collection concerns the records of the PAS general meeting and various committees, financial papers, minutes, and legal papers related to cases taken on by the PAS. In addition, the PAS' efforts to document and assist the free black community are represented in censuses, studies, and the records of several PAS education boards and associations.
Balch Institute of Ethnic Images in Advertising Collection
ADOPTED ON 11/21/13: This collection features ethnic representation within American advertisements from the late 1890's to 1999. Spanning the decades, the collection is a fascinating tool for deciphering shifting national sentiments regarding race, gender, and commercial consumerism through the years. The collection includes advertisements for alcoholic beverages, beauty products, automobiles, household appliances, and much more.